Appendix D: Action Error Codes

Invoking an action may return an error code. An error code may or may not be followed by a suffix separated by a single space, identifying the context of the error.

Code Description Suffix
Account The Trading Account supplied is invalid Account ID
Account.Authority The User does not have access to the requested data for the Trading Account Account ID
Account.Fault The Trading Account feed encountered a server fault Account ID
Account.NotFound The Trading Account supplied does not exist or the User does not have access to view it Account ID
Account.Unavailable The Trading Account feed was unavailable Account ID
Authority The User does not have access to the requested action
Authority.Authority The User does not have access to the Trading Authority
Authority.Fault The Trading Authority feed encountered a server fault
Authority.NotFound The Trading Authority does not exist
Authority.Unavailable The Trading Authority feed was unavailable
Code The code field was not supplied
Controller The supplied controller is invalid Controller
Data The action was invoked with no data
Data.Deserialise The action was invoked with invalid data
Exchange The Exchange supplied is invalid Exchange Code
Exchange.NotFound The Exchange supplied does not exist Exchange Code
Fault A server fault occurred
Limited You have exceeded the request limit. Please wait before trying again.
Market The Market supplied is invalid Market Code
Market.NotFound The Market supplied does not exist, or the User does not have access to view it Market Code
Market.Unavailable The Market feed was unavailable Market Code
Operation.Unknown The action requested is unknown
Operation.Abort The action was aborted due to the connection closing
Operation.Timeout The action timed out during execution
Operation.NoResult The action was invoked without a Transaction ID
Session Unable to establish a session for the requested Resources
Source The News source supplied was invalid Source Code
Source.Authority The User does not have access to the requested data for the News source Source Code
Source.Fault The News source feed encountered a server fault Source Code
Source.NotFound The News source does not exist, or the User does not have access to view it Source Code
Source.Unavailable The News source feed was unavailable Source Code
Symbol The Symbol supplied was invalid Symbol Code
Symbol.Authority The User does not have access to the requested data for the Symbol Symbol Code
Symbol.Fault The Symbol feed encountered a server fault Symbol Code
Symbol.NotFound The Symbol supplied does not exist Symbol Code
Symbol.Unavailable The Symbol feed was unavailable Symbol Code