
Searches for matching symbols. Returns a maximum of 1,000 symbols.

Controller: Market
Topic: SearchSymbols
Action: Publish
Permissions: Paritech.Zenith.Market.Data


Name Type Expect Description
CFI String Optional A partial or complete 6-character CFI (ISO 10962) code to match Symbols against. Space or Underscore _ act as wildcards.
Class String Optional Match the class of Symbol. One of the following:
CombinationLeg String Optional Match combinations with this Symbol Code as a leg.
Conditions Array Optional An array of Symbol Search Conditions that must match.
Count Integer Optional The maximum number of symbols to return. If supplied, symbols will be returned in alphabetical order, and the first results up to the maximum will be returned. If omitted, defaults to 1,000.
Exchange String Optional Match symbols that are issued by this Exchange (ie: the Exchange property on the Symbol matches the supplied value, or the Exchange property is omitted and the Market matches the supplied value)
ExpiryDateMin DateTime Optional Match symbols with an expiry date equal or greater than this value.
ExpiryDateMax DateTime Optional Match symbols with an expiry date equal or less than this value.
FullSymbol Boolean Optional Whether to return full symbol records or not. If True, symbols will include their full details. If omitted, defaults to True.
Index Boolean Optional Whether the symbol should be an Index or not.
Market String Optional The code for the Market to search. Can be a Mixed Market code. If omitted, searches all non-mixed Markets. Supports wildcard searches. See Wildcards for more information.
Markets Array Optional An array of market codes to search. Can contain Mixed Market codes. Does not support wildcard searches. Invalid codes will result in a Market.NotFound error.
PreferExact Boolean Optional True to a shorter set of results if exact matches are found. If omitted, defaults to False, returning all results regardless.
StartIndex Integer Optional The number of symbols to skip. If supplied, symbols will be returned in alphabetical order, and the given number will be skipped.
StrikePriceMin Decimal Optional Match symbols with a strike price equal or greater than this value.
StrikePriceMax Decimal Optional Match symbols with a strike price equal or less than this value.

Symbol Search Condition object

Name Type Expect Description
Field String Optional The field to search. If omitted, searches both Code and Name. Can be one or more of the following values, separated by ,:
Code: Searches the symbol codes.
Name: Searches the symbol names.
Alternate: Searches the Alternate Codes. See the Alternates field on the Symbol Detail object.
Attribute: Searches the Symbol Attributes. See the Attributes field on the Symbol Detail object.
Group String Optional Conditions with the same group name are evaluated together, where any condition can cause a match (ie: OR). If omitted, the condition must be met to cause a match.
IsCaseSensitive Boolean Optional Whether to perform a case sensitive search. If omitted, defaults to False, peforming a case-insensitive search.
Key String Optional The key to search in. When Field is set to Attribute or Alternate, determines the name of the Attribute or Alternate Code to search against.
Match String Optional The text matching criteria. If omitted, defaults to empty, matching any partial string. Can be zero or more of the following values, separated by ,:
FromStart: Matches must be at the start.
FromEnd: Matches must be at the end.
Exact: Matches must be exact. Equivalent to FromStart,FromEnd.
Text String Always The text to search for.


An unordered array of matching Symbol Detail objects

Symbol Detail object

Name Type Expect Description
Market String Always The market this symbol belongs to
Code String Always The code for this symbol
Name String Optional The name of this symbol. May be null if there is no friendly name (such as with a TMC)
Class String The class of Symbol. One of:
Exchange String Optional If this symbol is issued by an exchange different to the market, identifies the exchange
SubscriptionData String Always The types of data available. One or more of the following values, separated by commas:
Asset – Security details are available.
Trades – Trade history is available.
Depth – Full and short depth is available. DepthFull – Full depth is available. DepthShort – Short depth is available. All – All data types are available
TradingMarkets Array Always An array of strings identifying the Trading Markets this Symbol belongs to

If FullSymbol is set, the Symbol Detail object can contain the following fields:

Name Type Expect Description
CFI String Always The CFI (ISO 10962) code for this Symbol
DepthDirection String Optional The direction of depth. If omitted, defaults to BidBelowAsk. One of: BidBelowAsk, AskBelowBid.
IsIndex Boolean Optional True if this security is an index, otherwise defaults to False
ExpiryDate Date Optional The expiry date of an Option or Warrant. Omitted if not relevant. Will be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
StrikePrice Decimal Optional The strike price of an Option. Omitted if not relevant.
ExerciseType String Optional The exercise type of an Option. One of: American, Asian, European, Unknown
CallOrPut String Optional The style of Option or Warrant. Omitted if not relevant. One of: Call Put
ContractSize Decimal Optional The contract size of a Warrant. Omitted if not relevant.
LotSize Integer Optional The lot size for trading. Omitted if none exists.
Alternates Object Optional An object where the keys and values represent alternate codes associated with this Symbol. Omitted if there are no alternate codes.
Attributes Object Optional An object where the keys and values represent attributes associated with this Symbol. Omitted if there are no attributes.
Legs Array Optional An array of Symbol Leg objects representing the combination legs of this Symbol, if any.
Categories Array Optional An array of string codes representing the categories the Symbol belongs to, if any.

Symbol Leg object

Name Type Expect Description
Code String Always The code of the symbol making up this leg.
Side String Always The side this leg will trade on. One of: Bid: Bid (buy) side. Ask: Ask (sell) side.
Ratio Decimal Always The ratio of this leg compared to the others.

Sample Response:

                        "Name":"BHP BLT FPO",
                        "Name":"BHP MAR-16 P OPT 4115",

Sample Response:

                        "Name":"BHP BLT FPO",